ТҮШИГ ХХК-д ажилтан шалгаруулж авч байна.
-Ерөнхий менежер -head manager
-Маркетингийн менежер -manager of marketing
-Борлуулалтын менежер -market manager
-Ерөнхий нягтлан бодогч -accountant
-Гадаад харилцааны ажилтан -workman
-Гоо сайхны зөвлөх, худалдагч beauty and cosmetic salesman
-Зуслангийн сахиул –guardian in camp
Бүрдүүлэх материал: All interested candidates should submit the following document:
Анкет бөглөхөä: Filled out Vacancy Application Form
1. 3х4 хэмжээтэй цээж зураг 1% One 3*4 photo
2. Иргэний үнэмлэхíèé хуулбар Copy of ID
Ярилцлаганд: Interview:
1. Дипломын хуулбар Copy of University Diplomas
2. Цагдаагийн тодорхойлолт constabulary definition
3. Хорооны тодорхойлолт regimental definition
Холбоо барих: Contact :
Утас: 11-315392 Tel: 11-315392
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Invited in job- Àжилд урьж байна
Invited in job- Àжилд урьж байна
Дэлхийд таашаагдсан Тайгер шар айрагны шинэ үйлдвэрт бүх төрлийн инженер техникийн ажилтнуудыг сонгон шалгаруулж авна.
- АВТОМАТИКИЙН ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ- engineer of automatic technician
- МЕХАНИК ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ -mechanical engineer, technician
- ЦАХИЛГААНЧИН -electrician
- ЗАСВАРЫН ИНЖЕНЕР-engineer of remedial rectification
- ҮЙЛДВЭРИЙН ОПЕРАТОР – operation of industrial
- We will promise you the highest salary and you future willvery hopefull take a chance.
- Хэрэв та дээрх ажлын байрыг сонирхож байвал:
If you are interested in these Job Description :
- мэргэжлийн үнэмлэх Copy of University Diplomas and other certificates
- Дипломын хуулбар copies of university diploma
- нэг хувь зургийн хамт хүрэлцэн ирж уулзана уу. a copy 3*4 photo
Хаяг: М-Си-Эс Кока-Кола Плаза, Интерпресс үйлдвэрийн 2 давхар
Чингисийн өргөн чөлөө, Хан-Уул дүүрэг
Утас: 342623, 91923000
Факс: 342629
Address: Mcs Coca-Cola Plaza, Interpress Factory 2nd floor
Chinggis Avenue, Khan-Uul District
tel: 342623 91920000
fax: 342629
Дэлхийд таашаагдсан Тайгер шар айрагны шинэ үйлдвэрт бүх төрлийн инженер техникийн ажилтнуудыг сонгон шалгаруулж авна.
- АВТОМАТИКИЙН ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ- engineer of automatic technician
- МЕХАНИК ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ -mechanical engineer, technician
- ЦАХИЛГААНЧИН -electrician
- ЗАСВАРЫН ИНЖЕНЕР-engineer of remedial rectification
- ҮЙЛДВЭРИЙН ОПЕРАТОР – operation of industrial
- We will promise you the highest salary and you future willvery hopefull take a chance.
- Хэрэв та дээрх ажлын байрыг сонирхож байвал:
If you are interested in these Job Description :
- мэргэжлийн үнэмлэх Copy of University Diplomas and other certificates
- Дипломын хуулбар copies of university diploma
- нэг хувь зургийн хамт хүрэлцэн ирж уулзана уу. a copy 3*4 photo
Хаяг: М-Си-Эс Кока-Кола Плаза, Интерпресс үйлдвэрийн 2 давхар
Чингисийн өргөн чөлөө, Хан-Уул дүүрэг
Утас: 342623, 91923000
Факс: 342629
Address: Mcs Coca-Cola Plaza, Interpress Factory 2nd floor
Chinggis Avenue, Khan-Uul District
tel: 342623 91920000
fax: 342629
1. Definite what kind of text I’m going to read. It’s possible to know about that from contents or beginning of the text.
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”. Sometimes it’s difficult when this word means about abstract, not real. For example:
Table (real)-a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs;
Define (abstract)- to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what standards, limits, qualities etc…
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary, I will look for word from a dictionary “English to Mongolia”. About what dictionaries I use… I always use the dictionaries “Advanced American Dictionary” of Longman, “English-Mongolian” of Boldbaatar and sometimes I use from electronic dictionaries. It can save my time and easy to use.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.
Posted by J.TC08D010 at 10:54 PM 0 comments
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”. Sometimes it’s difficult when this word means about abstract, not real. For example:
Table (real)-a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs;
Define (abstract)- to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what standards, limits, qualities etc…
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary, I will look for word from a dictionary “English to Mongolia”. About what dictionaries I use… I always use the dictionaries “Advanced American Dictionary” of Longman, “English-Mongolian” of Boldbaatar and sometimes I use from electronic dictionaries. It can save my time and easy to use.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.
Posted by J.TC08D010 at 10:54 PM 0 comments
1.My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.
1.My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Introduction to Data
Samuel F.B. Morse invented the first data communication device, the telegraph, in 1844. The telegraph and its successor the teletypewriter played an important role in communications for the first century of their existence. These devices were the principal means of sending messages over long distances until computers appeared. Computers began as text-based systems that used punched cards for input and magnetic tape for storage.
Computer ports could easily be extended to distant terminals with a modem running over a telephone circuit. Remote printers, successors to the teletypewriter, had printing speeds in the order of 100 words per minute, more than the speed of most typists. One hundred wpm is only about 80 bps, and a telephone circuit supports 2400 bps with the simplest of modems. It was not cost-effective to use a fraction of the capacity of a voice circuit for a single
VDT. Moreover, 1 bit in error could render a message stream unusable.
The earliest LANs were in the order of 1 Mbps, but these soon increased to 10 and 100 Mbps. As organizations interconnected their LANs and distributed information over wide areas, the bandwidth of an analog circuit became a severe choke point. Users, having no idea where information was stored, noted the vast difference in response time between a local file delivered over a high-speed LAN and one delivered over a voice-grade wide area network (WAN).
Fiber optics was in its infancy in 1980 and long-haul circuits were transported over analog microwave radio. Digital microwave was available, but its error rate limited it to a span of about 500 miles (800 km). The restrictions of the analog voice network remained until fiber optics relieved the bottleneck. Another major change in computer applications was the transition from textbased information to graphics. Computers had been migrating toward graphics for several years, but the Web accelerated the change.
Multiplexers have largely been supplanted by devices that interconnect LANs, and the older data networks have evolved into networks of interconnected LANs.
Samuel F.B. Morse invented the first data communication device, the telegraph, in 1844. The telegraph and its successor the teletypewriter played an important role in communications for the first century of their existence. These devices were the principal means of sending messages over long distances until computers appeared. Computers began as text-based systems that used punched cards for input and magnetic tape for storage.
Computer ports could easily be extended to distant terminals with a modem running over a telephone circuit. Remote printers, successors to the teletypewriter, had printing speeds in the order of 100 words per minute, more than the speed of most typists. One hundred wpm is only about 80 bps, and a telephone circuit supports 2400 bps with the simplest of modems. It was not cost-effective to use a fraction of the capacity of a voice circuit for a single
VDT. Moreover, 1 bit in error could render a message stream unusable.
The earliest LANs were in the order of 1 Mbps, but these soon increased to 10 and 100 Mbps. As organizations interconnected their LANs and distributed information over wide areas, the bandwidth of an analog circuit became a severe choke point. Users, having no idea where information was stored, noted the vast difference in response time between a local file delivered over a high-speed LAN and one delivered over a voice-grade wide area network (WAN).
Fiber optics was in its infancy in 1980 and long-haul circuits were transported over analog microwave radio. Digital microwave was available, but its error rate limited it to a span of about 500 miles (800 km). The restrictions of the analog voice network remained until fiber optics relieved the bottleneck. Another major change in computer applications was the transition from textbased information to graphics. Computers had been migrating toward graphics for several years, but the Web accelerated the change.
Multiplexers have largely been supplanted by devices that interconnect LANs, and the older data networks have evolved into networks of interconnected LANs.
Mygmarjaw Otgonbaatar
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
46-31, 13th khoroo, Bayangol district
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
To: "MobiCom" company
This refers to the requirement of the Bacheleor of Science Telecommunication Engineering curriculum of School of Information and Telecommunication Technology.
I have known Mygmarjaw for 3 years. During the years of our acquaintance, i have seen many abilities of her. He is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. I strongly recommend his for your offering position of work.
Mygmarjaw is a hardworking and loyal person. He is a creative, capable and personable, helpful and friendly young woman.He talks from one’s heart other people. He is one of my best student.
If you're looking for experienced canditate with ability to rise, Mygmarjaw is an excellent choice. She is self-educated, responsible, skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Mygmarjaw.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA G
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
46-31, 13th khoroo, Bayangol district
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
To: "MobiCom" company
This refers to the requirement of the Bacheleor of Science Telecommunication Engineering curriculum of School of Information and Telecommunication Technology.
I have known Mygmarjaw for 3 years. During the years of our acquaintance, i have seen many abilities of her. He is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. I strongly recommend his for your offering position of work.
Mygmarjaw is a hardworking and loyal person. He is a creative, capable and personable, helpful and friendly young woman.He talks from one’s heart other people. He is one of my best student.
If you're looking for experienced canditate with ability to rise, Mygmarjaw is an excellent choice. She is self-educated, responsible, skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Mygmarjaw.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA G
COVER letter
Mygmarjaw Otgonbaatar
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Tel: 99829770
10th December 2010
Mobicom central office
Bayangol district
Mobicom corporation
Dear Mobicom human resources
I have heard about this position from street board, newspaper and internet. I interested this job. I have studied about Mobicom already and I like it. I think it’s fortune to develop my skills.
Because I study at IICT, MUST, I have studied optic cable, telecommunication, data link and computer’s programs.
Although the enclosed resume provides a good summary of my background and experience. I would like to arrange to meet with you to discuss my qualifications for this position.
Thank you for your time attention.
Your sincerely Mygmarjaw
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Tel: 99829770
10th December 2010
Mobicom central office
Bayangol district
Mobicom corporation
Dear Mobicom human resources
I have heard about this position from street board, newspaper and internet. I interested this job. I have studied about Mobicom already and I like it. I think it’s fortune to develop my skills.
Because I study at IICT, MUST, I have studied optic cable, telecommunication, data link and computer’s programs.
Although the enclosed resume provides a good summary of my background and experience. I would like to arrange to meet with you to discuss my qualifications for this position.
Thank you for your time attention.
Your sincerely Mygmarjaw
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